torsdag 22. mai 2014

oh wow lovely

I know I know, I'm such a horrible blogger! It's been three months since last update, and so much stuff have happened since then! I've been in Berlin for three weeks on a school trip, I visited my hometown in the easter and went back to Oslo with a whole bunch with old negatives my mom had stored in an old bag! There's been school with so much to do, and now we only have two weeks before summer, damdamdaaaam! In one week we have our spring exhibition, can't wait!
And yeah, I've started reading books again, such a long time since I last did that, you guys should check out Haruki Murakami's books, he's such a good writer. ~

And otherwise I've just enjoyed life, hanging with friends, searched and still searching for a job, and I've been taking life as it comes.
How about you guys? What have occupied you and your mind lately?

ph_me / berlin 2014

4 kommentarer:

  1. Those are some really nice pictures !
    I also updated since a long time ago, haha...
    <3 anna

    1. Thank you so much Anna! Nice to hear from you again! <3

  2. Åååååh. Finfine bilder asså. Så kjekt å komma inn her og se nye ting. FORTSETT med det, hehe ;) Håpe eg får komt meg te vernissasjen (usikker på koss d skrives) neste fredag, gir beskjed uansett!

    / Og der fikk du meg te å smila ennå mær, hihi, tusen takk søtnos <3 <3 <3
